3. Radiations

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In physics, Radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium. This includes :-

>> Particle Radiation
>> Acoustic Radiation
>> Seismic Waves
>> Electromagnetic Radiation

Particle Radiation
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Emission or transmission of energy in the form of particles through space or through a material medium. They are of three types :-

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>> Alpha (α) Radiation
A type of particle radiation made up of the nuclei of the helium atoms(⁴₂He⁺).

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>> Beta (β) Radiation
A type of particle radiation made up of high energy electrons(e⁻) and positrons(e⁺).

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>> Neutron Radiation
Another type of particle radiation made up of high energy neutrons.

Acoustic Radiation
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Emission or transmission of energy through space or through a material medium in the form of mechanical waves such as ultra-sound, infra-sound and sound.

Seismic Waves
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They are vibrating movement of the Earth's ground caused by underground explosions, volcanic eruptions and man-made explosions that can vibrate through the different layers of the Earth' ground.
